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make much of中文是什么意思

用"make much of"造句"make much of"怎么读"make much of" in a sentence


  • 重视;充分利用
  • "make"中文翻译    vt. (made ) 1.(a)做,作,造,制造,做成 ...
  • "much"中文翻译    adj. (more; most) 〔用于修饰不可数名词 ...
  • "make [have] much ado" 中文翻译 :    大忙一阵
  • "make much account of" 中文翻译 :    对非常重视
  • "make much ado" 中文翻译 :    费尽力气
  • "make much progress" 中文翻译 :    进步更大
  • "make too much noise" 中文翻译 :    发出巨大声响; 发出太多噪音; 发出许多噪音
  • "to the virgins to make much of time" 中文翻译 :    给少女的劝告
  • "to the virgins,to make much of time" 中文翻译 :    给少女,珍惜青春
  • "make much noise; make a din; noisily" 中文翻译 :    喧喧嚷嚷
  • "make much ado about nothing" 中文翻译 :    无事生非(无中生有)
  • "make much of a little; cut a figure" 中文翻译 :    铺张门面
  • "make progress without much effort" 中文翻译 :    不很费力而取得进展
  • "eating too much can make you fat" 中文翻译 :    吃得过多会使你发胖
  • "how much money did you make" 中文翻译 :    你赚了多少钱?
  • "make much fuss about a tiny thing" 中文翻译 :    小题
  • "make or have much ado; take great pains" 中文翻译 :    大费周章
  • "too much can make me blind" 中文翻译 :    太多事教我盲目
  • "as much" 中文翻译 :    同样地,同量地; 同样多少
  • "as much as" 中文翻译 :    多达; 和一样多; 尽...那样多, 差不多; 与…一样多
  • "by much" 中文翻译 :    大大地, ...得多
  • "for as much as" 中文翻译 :    因为
  • "in as much" 中文翻译 :    既然
  • "in as much as" 中文翻译 :    由于, 既然
  • "much" 中文翻译 :    adj. (more; most) 〔用于修饰不可数名词〕很多的,许多的;大量的;很大程度的;(时间)长的(much water, wine, money, hope, courage, time)。 ★ 1.主要在英国口语中,除用作肯定句主语之一或与 how, too, as, so 连用外,多用于代替 a lot of, a great quantity of, a good deal of, a great deal of 等。如: I don't drink much wine. 我酒喝不多 〔cf. He drinks a great deal of wine. 他酒喝得很多〕。 Does he take much interest in it? 他对此是否很感兴趣? 2. 常用作反语表示 no 的意思如: M- right he has to interfere with me. 他根本没有干涉我的权力。 much cry and little wool 雷声大雨点小。 n. 大量,许多。 I don't see much of him. 我不常见他。 be too much for one 〔口语〕非…力所能及;干不了;受不了;搞不赢;应付不来(He is too much for me. 我敌他不过)。 do much to [toward] 对…很尽责[有利、有贡献]。 make much of 尊重,重视;充分利用;夸奖,恭维,谄媚;悉心照顾;理解。 much of a ... 了不起的(He is not much of a scholar. 他不是什么了不起的学者)。 M- would have more. 人心不足蛇吞象。 not much 〔口语〕哪里的话,当然不(Go home?Not much. 回家?哪里的话)。 so much for ... 的事不必再往下说[就这样完了];…不过是这样,如果…就要吃苦头。 think much of 重视,认为了不起。 this much = thus much 到这里为止,这么些(是对的等)。 too much 太不像话,太过份(That is too much of a good thing. 那事好过了头。那个好倒好,可是受不了)。 adv. (more;most) 很,非常,多;几乎,大致。 This is much better of the two. 两个当中这个好得多。 Thank you very much. 多谢多谢。 ★修饰动词时用 very much 比单用 much 普通。 argued so much 争论够了。 as much 同样,一样,正是如此(I think as much. 我也那样想)。 as much again as …的二倍。 as much (...) as 尽,尽…那样多;…跟…到同一程度(as much (money) as you like 尽你要多少。 as much as possible 尽可能)。 as much as a single sharp rebuff 一点点稍为尖锐的驳斥。 as much as to say 等于是说(He gave a look as much as to say “Mind your own business!” 他摆出一副好像是说“不用你管!”似的面孔)。 half as much again (as) (…的)一倍半。 half as much (as) (…的)一半。 how much 多少;什么价钱;到什么程度。 however much 不管。 much as ... 和…几乎一样;尽管,虽然。 much at one 几乎相同,几乎等价。 much good 〔主要用于否定句〕擅长,巧妙(I am not much good at this sort of work. 这种工作我不擅长)。 much less 何况〔否定〕(He cannot speak French, much less Russian. 他连法语都不会讲,俄语就更不必提了)。 much more 何况〔肯定〕。 much of an age 差不多同年纪。 much of a size 差不多大小。 much of a sort 差不多同种类的。 much the same 差不多相同。 not so much as 1. 甚至于不(He cannot so much as write his own name. 他甚至于自己的名字都写不来)。2.与其说是…不如说是(He is not so much a scholar as a writer. 他与其说是学者不如说是作家)。so much 那么多的(I have not so much money as you think. 我并没有你想像那么多钱)。 twice [three times] as much 两倍[三倍]。 without so much as 甚至于不…。


  • We made much of caddy, and peepy too .
  • He always makes much of his humble origins .
  • She was always made much of by her adoring friends .
  • But you ought not to make much of this gift .
  • The professors and their wives made much of me .
  • I could not make much of his speech -- it was all in russian .
  • They took the solitary boy into their midst and made much of him .
  • The tendency to expatiate and make much of local advantages was western .
  • The demand for accommodation equipped with running water, gas and, slightly later, electricity, made much of the existing housing stock obsolete .
  • Miss ley, under the pretence of making much of her nephew, arranged little pleasure parties, so that all three might be continually together .
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
用"make much of"造句  


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